English - Department Policies and Forms

Department Policies and Forms

The following departmental policies and procedures are additional to those defined in writing in the Faculty Handbook, in Policy Central, and/or in the Human Resources Handbook. The following have been voted upon or describe current department practice as of the Fall semester, 2017. Where policy has been established by department vote, the date of that vote is noted.

Course Releases for Faculty

English department faculty receive course releases for advising in the Literature and Writing/Language/Genre concentration, in the Professional & Technical Communication concentration, and in the Theatre concentration. Additionally, the Director of Graduate Studies receives a one-course release per year. Faculty may also apply for course releases for research; faculty are eligible for one per year, agreeing in exchange to give a talk in the English Faculty Research Series.

Department Meetings

Meetings of department faculty happen roughly once a month during the course of the academic year. The first and last meetings of the year are generally attended by all full-time faculty, with the rest attended only by members of the voting faculty. Voting faculty include tenured and tenure-track faculty and lecturers. Voting membership was extended to lecturers by a vote of the tenured and tenure-track faculty, November 2015. 

Procedures for voting on final candidates in Assistant Professor searches

Procedures for voting on final candidates in Lecturer/Instructor searches

Criteria for Tenure and Promotion - The English department adopted these guidelines for department members coming up for tenure and promotion. These complement and give particularity to the guidelines found in the currently Faculty Handbook. Adopted by a vote of the tenured and tenure-track faculty, April 2015.

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