Clinical Providers
We appreciate Clinical Providers who provide thorough documentation related to student accommodation requests. We know you are busy and we do appreciate your time, so we wanted to give you some quick tips on what we need from you!
The documentation from a provider must appropriately match the disability. If a student is requesting accommodation for a medical diagnosis, then the documentation must be from a medical doctor or specialist. If the diagnosis is psychological or emotional in nature the documentation should be from the student's clinical therapist or psychologist, APN, LCSW, etc.
1. Please put the letter on letterhead. We cannot accept documentation that has not been written on letterhead. We also cannot accept prescription pad documentation.
2. Speak specifically about the disability and make any necessary recommendations for accommodations appropriate for the student's circumstance. It is especially effective if the letter addresses not only why the accommodation might be helpful but how not having the accommodation might adversely affect the student.
3. Please include how long the student has had an established relationship with your office, and note the date of the last visit.
4. Include any medications, and make note of any medications that might also cause the student to need additional accommodation. (ex. medications that cause memory or attention issues, brain fog etc.)
5. Please note whether the letter is written in support of academic accommodations or housing accommodations or both.
6. Download more detailed instructions specific to disability below.
Office Information:
Location: Roaden University Center, 112Phone: (931) 372-6119
Fax: (931) 372-6378
Mailing Address:
Tennessee Tech UniversityAccessible Education Center
Campus Box 5091
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
Office Hours:
If you need additional information please do not hesitate to contact the Accessible Education Center by emailing or calling 931-372-6119. We are here for you!