Accessible Education Center - Exam Information

Exam Information

Alternative Testing Agreements:

At the beginning of the semester (or before the first course assessment), we ask that an Alternative Testing Agreement is submitted. This information is essential to ensure that our proctors have the correct exam information when administering the exam. You only need to submit this one time for all students in the course. You can update the information at any time in your faculty portal. You can submit this information two ways:

  • In the official accommodation letter that is sent notifying you of the student's accommodations. The link is in the bottom of the email in a red box. The link directs you to our database system ( If a student registers for an upcoming exam and we don't already have the agreement, you will get a reminder email asking you to submit the information.
  • Logging into your faculty portal. You can submit the form and update it throughout the semester in your portal. To do this, click on the "Alternative Testing" button on the left side of the screen. Select the course from the drop down menu and click "Continue to Specify Alternative Testing Agreement". Remember, this is the information that we will use all semester. Once the agreement is submitted, you can log back in and update the information at anytime. If some exams require different materials, you can either specify everything at once, or update it for each exam.


Uploading Exam Files:

Uploading exam files to our database system is the preferred method because it is the most secure. You can also email the exam file or have it delivered to our office (RUC 112). After the student has submitted a request for testing accommodations, you can upload the file two ways. If you have not received the email from our office notifying you of the test request, but want to go ahead and submit it, please email it to our office or have it delivered.

  • After the student submits the request, you will receive an email with a link in the bottom to upload the exam file(s). You can upload multiple files, but there is a file size limit of 3MB per upload. If you need to send us a larger file, feel free to email it. 
  • You can also upload it by logging into your faculty portal and clicking "Alternative Testing" and then "Upload Exam" by the student's request.
    • When uploading the file you have the option to specify if this exam file is the same for all students. If you have multiple students and have only one exam version, you an specify yes and it will copy the exam file to all students in the course. If you have different exam versions, you can upload one file for each student.
    • You can also specify additional information in the Exam Note box. You can put things that you want us to double check (ex: no calculators on this quiz, last minute change of 55 minutes for quiz, etc.). 
  • If you made updates to the exam file and need to upload a new one, you can upload the new file with the same link that was sent in the original email or by logging in to your account. We will always print the newest exam file, but it would also be a good idea to put "use this file" in the exam note.

Office Information:

Location: Roaden University Center, 112
Phone: (931) 372-6119
Fax: (931) 372-6378

Mailing Address:

Tennessee Tech University
Accessible Education Center
Campus Box 5091
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001

Office Hours:



iLearn Exam Accommodation FAQ's:

A student needs additional time on my quiz, do I have to create another quiz for that student?

No. Go to the Quiz and under the Restrictions tab, choose Add Users to Special Access. Select the differences in the settings, such as date and time available, time limits, etc.) and then select the student from the list and click Add Special Access.

I use Lockdown Browser on my quiz, but this student doesn't need it. What do I do?

Go to the Quiz and under the Restrictions tab, choose Add Users to Special Access. Select the Not required to take this quiz option under Lockdown Browser and the student from the list and click Add Special Access.

My student had trouble with an attempt and needs to retake it, how can I allow that?

Go to the Quiz list and choose the arrow beside the quiz and select Grade. When viewing the list of attempts, select the checkbox to the left of the student's attempt you want to delete and choose the trash can icon at the top of the list. Once it is deleted the student will be able to take the quiz again, assuming the deadlines are not passed.

A student's says their attempt is "in progress." What does this mean and how do I fix it?

Go to the Quiz list and choose the arrow beside the quiz and select Grade. When viewing the list of attempts, select Users with attempts in progress from the Restrict to drop-down and then click the magnifying glass icon. Look for the student and select the people icon and go through the process to submit the student's quiz.

Other Tips

  • Do not use enumeration on question types with options like Multiple Choice and T/F. Screen readers, like JAWS, have issues.
  • If using images in a quiz question, make sure it has an Alt Text.
  • If you have a quiz with more that 15-20 questions, consider dividing the questions into pages.
  • If using Lockdown Browser, consider having a practice test setup in the course with this enabled to allow students to try it before the actual quiz.

Need more help?

Contact the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for more information:


Volpe Library, Room 113

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