Human Resources - Conducting an Internal Search

Conducting an Internal Search

Internal searches represent exceptions to the standard (external) search process and will be carefully considered by Human Resources along the following factors:

  • Hiring unit’s past affirmative action efforts
  • Requestor’s ability to identify the existence of a potentially qualified, diverse applicant pool that already exists at the University

Internal searches must follow the same basic procedures as external searches with the following exceptions:

  • The department must submit a written request to appropriate administrators (Dean, Provost, Vice President, and Human Resources) that includes the rationale for conducting an internal search.
  • Internal searches are open to all current Tennessee Tech employees regardless of status (e.g. CS, AD, AE, temp, etc.).
  • External advertising is not required, however, the position must be posted on the HR job vacancy listing with a designation that it is an internal search.
  • The position must be posted for a minimum of ten days.
  • The hiring unit must ensure that all efforts are used to notify all current Tennessee Tech employees of the pending job vacancy.