Hiring Process
It is the goal of Tennessee Tech to recruit and retain the highest quality employees.
The purpose of the hiring process is to ensure that Tennessee Tech adheres to all
contractual and legal requirements and promotes diversity in all of its search processes.
Before hiring an applicant for a job position, Tennessee Tech goes through a step-by-step
hiring process. The steps are shown below and resources for each step can be accessed
by clicking on the purple title box. A checklist of the steps can be printed below:
1. Writing (or Revising) an Effective Job Description
A job description is the core of a successful recruitment process. A well-written job description:
- Provides a first impression of the university to the applicant;
- Clearly articulates responsibilities and qualifications to attract the best suited candidates;
- Improves retention with newly hired employees. Employees tend to be dissatisfied when they are performing duties they were not originally hired to perform;
- Identifies tasks, work flow and accountability, enabling the department to plan how it will operate and grow;
- Assists in establishing performance objectives;
- Is used as a benchmark to assist in ensuring internal and external equity.
Remember that job descriptions may change with time and existing job descriptions should be reviewed prior to posting to ensure that the job description accurately represent the position.
Tips for Writing an Effective Job Description
2. Get Approval to Advertise
Get approval to advertise a vacant position in PeopleAdmin.
3. Advertise the Vacant Position
Once the position is approved by all parties, it will be posted on the Tennessee Tech Website for a minimum of 10 calendar days. Human Resources will place an ad in HigherEdJobs and Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Hiring departments place and pay for any additional advertising.
For Administrative Pay Grade AD40-AD44, one additional ad will be required. For Administrative Pay Grade AD45 or above and faculty positions, two additional ads will be required.
4. Review All Application Materials
After the deadline/screening date, the hiring department/search committee will review all application materials for minimum/preferred qualifications.
5. Get Approval to Interview
Once your hiring department/search committee selects candidates for interviews, you will need to request interview approval from Human Resources.
Approval to interview is completed through PeopleAdmin. If a matrix is used, it will need to be emailed to TTUemployment@tntech.edu prior to receiving approval to interview. When an applicant is approved for interview, an email will automatically be generated and sent to the Applicant Reviewer. The department will notify, schedule, and perform the interviews.
Phone/Skype interviews must be approved by Human Resources prior to contacting applicants and conducting interviews. References should only be contacted after receiving approval to interview.
For Faculty positions, an email with instructions will be sent from the Office of
the Provost.
6. Contact Applicants for Interview
Interviewing Guidelines and Best Practices
7. Get Approval to Hire
Once interviews have been conducted and a candidate has been recommended for hire by the search committee/department, the Applicant Reviewer will change the status of the candidate to Recommend for Hire in PeopleAdmin.
An electronic PAF (Personnel Action Form), located under Employment Forms on the HR website, will be created and approval signatures obtained through DocuSign Electronic Signature Service.
For Faculty positions, a memo explaining why the chosen candidate was selected over the other candidates interviewed must be attached to the PAF. The Faculty Qualifications
Certification (FQC) should also be attached to the PAF.
8. Make An Offer
No commitment can be made, nor can any position be officially offered to a candidate
until all approvals have been granted. Human Resources will notify the department
by email once all approvals have been received and a verbal offer can be officially
made contingent on results of a background check and verification of educational degrees
(the copy of the completed PAF received by email from Human Resources via DocuSign
is not the approval to hire email). Upon acceptance of the verbal offer, Human Resources
will send the applicant an offer letter for signature for Administrative and Clerical
& Support positions. For Faculty positions, the employment agreement will be sent
by the Office of the Provost.
9. Change Applicant Statuses
Change the applicant statuses in PeopleAdmin.
10. Notify Applicants
After receiving the signed offer letter and results of the background investigation, HR will mark the posting as filled which generates an automatic email to each applicant. This email is based on the status of Interviewed Not Hired or Not Interviewed Not Hired:
Interviewed, Not Hired:
Thank you for interviewing for the position of (insert job title here) in the (insert department or office here) at Tennessee Tech University. However, we are sorry to inform you that another candidate
who more closely met the qualifications of the position was selected. While you were
not chosen to fill this position, we wish you success in reaching your career goals
and encourage you to apply for other positions on campus. Thank you for your interest
in Tennessee Tech University.
Not Interviewed, Not Hired:
The search for (insert job title here) in the (insert department or office here) at Tennessee Tech University is completed. A large number of very well-qualified
applicants were reviewed. While you were not chosen to fill this position, we wish
you success in reaching your career goals. Thank you for your interest in Tennessee
Tech University.