Selecting a Candidate Intro
Reference Checking
Once interviews have been conducted and an applicant has been selected, it is recommended that the hiring department/search committee conduct reference checks prior to recommending for hire.
Changing Applicant Status
Once the hiring department/search committee is ready to recommend for hire, the Applicant Reviewer will change the status of the applicant to Recommend for Hire in PeopleAdmin.
Request to Hire
The hiring department will create an electronic PAF (Personnel Action Form) through DocuSign and approval signatures will be obtained. A request to hire memo should be attached to the electronic PAF.
Offer Letter
Human Resources will notify the department by email once all approvals have been received and a verbal offer can be officially made contingent on results of a background check and verification of educational degrees. Upon acceptance of the verbal offer, Human Resources will send to the applicant an offer letter for signature.