Volpe Library - How to Search / Library Orientation

How to Search the Volpe Library

Video 1: EagleSearch Basics (4:56)
Video 2: Finding Databases (2:54)
Video 3: Finding Journals (2:04) 
Video 4: Making ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Requests (3:03)
Video 5: Alternatives if There Are No ILL Options (2:41)

After you watch the videos, click on the link below to take the quiz. Once you score a 90% or higher, the results will be emailed to your professor.

Take the Quiz Now

Faculty:  you will get an email when a student has scored 90% or higher with the student's information.  The email will be from the following address:  sholderman@tntech.edu <noreply@qemailserver.com>

If you would like to have students practice what they've learned, this research activity will help reinforce the skills taught in the "EagleSearch Basics" and "Finding Databases" videos.


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