Volpe Library - RefWorks


RefWorks is an online program (similar to EndNote) to manage your research and citations. It can even create a references page for you! This program is free to Tennessee Tech users.


Introduction to RefWorks

Want to know more before you sign up?  Watch a short introduction to RefWorks and all of its features.

Creating an Account

  1. Go to https://refworks.proquest.com
  2. Click on "Create account" 
  3. Enter your TN Tech email address click "Check"
  4. Enter a password and click the "Sign Up" button
  5. RefWorks will send you an activation link in your email

Already have a RefWorks or Mendeley account?

You can consolidate your references by exporting records from one account and importing them into your TN Tech RefWorks.

  1. Sign into your RefWorks account
  2. Select “Add” and “Import references”
  3. Select Legacy RefWorks or Mendeley and follow the prompts to import your references

Already have another citation manager account?

You can consolidate your references by exporting records from one account and importing them into your TN Tech RefWorks.

  1. Sign into your other citation manager account
  2. Export your references by saving them to a file
  3. Sign into your RefWorks account
  4. Select “Add” and “Import references”
  5. Follow the instructions to import from a file
  • RefWorks & EagleSearch

    How To...

    1. In EagleSearch results, make sure you are signed in with your TN Tech username and password (sign in is in the top, right corner)
    2. Click on the title of the item you'd like to export to RefWorks
    3. Click on "RefWorks" and follow the on-screen instructions
    4. Items will be placed into the "Last Imported" folder by default unless you move it or customize your settings to select a different folder in the import options
  • RefWorks & Google Scholar

    Export from Google Scholar into RefWorks

    You can export citations from Google Scholar into RefWorks!

    1. Go to scholar.google.com and perform your search
    2. Under each search result, click on the quotation marks/Cite and choose RefWorks at the bottom of the pop-up "Cite" window

    FYI: you can connect Google Scholar to the library to find more full text materials.

  • RefWorks & Microsoft Word

    References and Bibliographies

    You can create a bibliography in RefWorks, then copy and paste it into Word.

    You can also download the plugin for Word and create the bibliography directly in your paper.  To download the plugin:

    1. Login to your RefWorks account
    2. Click on "Tools," then select "Tools"
    3. Under "RefWorks writing tools," click to download the appropriate version of "RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM)" and follow instructions to install on your machine
    4. Open Microsoft Word and you will now have an RCM tab

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