Volpe Library - Course Reserves Procedures

Course Reserves Procedures

The library’s course reserves collection gives students physical access to supplemental and research materials for their coursework in support of the university’s educational mission. Please come get your items off reserve once they are no longer needed. Your items will be removed if they have not been checked out for 2+ years.

Items eligible for reserve:

  • Course reserves can be materials from the library collection or items personally owned by the instructor including books, journals, microfiche, government publications, DVDs, CDs, and other media items.
  • All reserves will be housed behind the library front desk (2nd floor).

Items NOT eligible for reserve:

  • Materials obtained through Interlibrary Loan may not be placed on course reserves.
  • Articles, class notes, and sample exams will not be put on course reserves. They should be digitized and put in iLearn for students to access.
  • The library reserves the right to refuse any materials for reserve if it is suspected they might be in violation of copyright law.

Checking out reserve materials:

  • A valid Eagle Card is required to check out course reserves.
  • Instructors select one of two checkout durations for each item they put on reserve:
    • 2 hours (media items and textbooks must be 2 hours)
    • 4 days
  • There are viewing stations on the 3rd floor for students to view media items on reserve.
  • Students are responsible for the timely return of all reserves and may accrue overdue fines if items are returned late.

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