Whitson-Hester School of Nursing - Bachelors in Science in Nursing

Bachelors in Science in Nursing

The BSN program at Tennessee Tech's Whitson-Hester School of Nursing is a 4-year Nursing Bachelors program with a 5-semester clinical portion of the program. Students may complete the first three semesters of prerequisite coursework through Tennessee Tech as a Lower Division Nursing student or at any of Tennessee's community colleges. Admission into the clinical "Upper Division" portion of the program is competitive and students will generally need to seek admission to Upper Division Nursing at the end of their freshman year.

In the Upper Division portion of the program students will complete clinical placements each week at a variety of clinical sites throughout Middle and East TN in focus areas including Mental Health, Medical/Surgical Nursing, Pediatrics, and many other areas. Upon graduation, students are eligible to complete the NCLEX exam for RN licensure. Tennessee Tech BSN graduates have a first-time NCLEX pass rate of better than 95%!

View our traditional BSN program flyer!


Professional Licensure Disclosure 

The Whitson-Hester School of Nursing cannot guarantee licensure eligibility outside the state of Tennessee.  Applicants are encouraged to contact the applicable licensure board(s) in their state of residence or in the state where they intend to obtain a license before beginning an academic program that results in licensure and prior to beginning any internship/practicum. For more information see Tennessee Tech’s Professional Licensure Disclosure web page https://www.tntech.edu/consumer-info/nursing.php or the National Council of State Boards of Nursing www.ncsbn.org .


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