Whitson-Hester School of Nursing - Scholarships

School of Nursing Scholarships

See below for a list of scholarships available to nursing students. Students may also qualify for additional scholarships that are not specific to nursing majors. If you have questions about any scholarships please contact the Scholarship Coordinator at (931) 372-6159 or e-mail scholarships@tntech.edu.

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Hattie Jo Collins Scholarship

Originally from Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, Matt and Macy have known each other most of their lives but did not begin dating until their college days at Freed-Hardeman University (FHU) in Henderson, Tennessee. Matt was graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Bible and Macy was graduated with Bachelor of Science in Social Work, both from FH in 2012. Matt holds a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from Liberty University while Macy holds a Master of Education from Cumberland University. They married on March 30, 2013 and have two daughters, Hattie Jo and Lainey. A joyful child, Hattie enjoys singing and was eager to memorize Scripture verses.

Following God’s call on his life to raise up young people to have a consequential faith in Jesus Christ as adults, Matt served for three years as the youth minister at Rivergate Church of Christ in Madison, Tennessee. Upon moving to Cookeville in 2015, Matt served for five years as youth minister at Jefferson Avenue Church of Christ and now holds the same position at Collegeside Church of Christ. Macy taught third grade for several years and, most recently, has been a stay-at-home mom to Hattie and Lainey. She began working with Home & Hill Management in 2019, serving as the Property Manager on a part-time basis. She loves being part of a company that strives for the best for both property owners and travelers.

Tragically, Hattie was one of five children whose lives were claimed by an EF-4 tornado that hit Putnam County early on the morning of Tuesday, March 3, 2020. The Collins’s grief is with them always, but their faith in God is strong. In an emotional Facebook post, Matt wrote, “Hattie loves to be held. Ever since she was born, Hattie has loved being held. In 4.5 years, she has slept with Macy and I nearly every single night — close. She wants to feel you. . . Every night before bed, Macy would read Hattie a story. Monday night, after they finished reading, Hattie looked up at Macy as she often does after story time. Hattie would rather talk than sleep. She told her, ‘Mommy, I can see Jesus and he is wearing all white.’ Hattie could see more clearly than the rest of us. Before we knew Jesus was going to hold her that night, she did. We do not believe the Lord took our girl from us. We believe he is holding our girl for us. And Hattie loves to be held.”

Matt and Macy have established this endowment to celebrate Hattie’s life and to give something back to the community that has so steadfastly supported the Collins Family throughout this extremely trying time.

Harriet D. Westmoreland Nursing Scholarship Endowment

Harriet D. Westmoreland earned her Registered Nurse degree in September 1956 from Baptist Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. She worked for 12 years at the University of Tennessee at Martin as Director of Student Health Services. After her move to Cookeville, she spent 15 years in public health serving as Director of the Communicable Disease Program for the Upper Cumberland Region. She served for many years on the Whitson-Hester School of Nursing Development Council and received the School's Florence Nightingale Award (2007) and the Distinguished Service Award (2019).

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship:

•  Must be a regularly admitted or current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies.

•  Must be pursuing a major in the Whitson-Hester School of Nursing and accepted into the upper division program.

This scholarship is renewable.

Carole-Jean Adkisson Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The Carole-Jean Adkisson Memorial Scholarship Endowment. The recipient must be a full-time upper division junior nursing student; QPA of 3.0 or above; show an interest in advancing the profession of nursing by involvement in professional student nurse activities, i.e. Sigma Theta Tau, TASN, or in the provision of volunteer service related to health in the community; and has a financial need. Amount varies.

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CRMC Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The CRMC Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship Endowment. The recipient must be a rising senior nursing student. The recipient must be a current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies. The recipient will be chosen by the CRMC Auxiliary Scholarship Committee. Amount varies.

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Bonnie Lamb Lee CRMC Volunteer Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The Bonnie Lamb Lee CRMC Volunteer Scholarship Endowment. The recipient must be a current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; must be a full-time undergraduate student or a graduate student taking a minimum of six hours; must be an employee (minimum of twelve months) of Cookeville Regional Medical Center at the time of application; and must demonstrate financial need. Amount varies.

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Anna Scott Brown Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The Anna Scott Brown Scholarship Endowment. The recipient must be a prospective or current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; first preference will be given to students from White County; student(s) will have been admitted to upper division nursing (i.e. incoming junior). Financial need and academic record in lower division will both be considered. Amount varies.

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McSpadden-McNew School of Nursing Endowment

The uses of the endowment may include, but not be limited to, scholarships, equipment purchases, technology upgrades, or faculty development. Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The McSpadden-McNew School of Nursing Endowment. The recipient must be a prospective or current student of Tennessee Tech in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies and be enrolled in the School of Nursing; first priority will be given to students from Roane County; second priority will be given to students from McMinn County; third priority will be given to students from Putnam County. Any qualified student from Tennessee will be considered if there are no qualified candidates from the counties above. Financial need will be considered but is secondary to the priorities above. Amount varies.

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Allen Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

The endowment will be used to directly benefit Tennessee Tech undergraduate students, MSN-RODP graduate students with Tennessee Tech as their home school, or faculty continuing their education to obtain a doctorate in Nursing. Scholarship recipients will be selected by the Nursing Development Council Scholarship Committee. A minimum of one scholarship will be awarded annually. The recipient must be a prospective or current student of Tennessee Tech in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies. Must exhibit good character and citizenship through participation in school and community activities. Amount varies.

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Roy and Nathan Tudor Nursing Scholarship

The recipient must be a junior or senior nursing student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies. The recipient must be a graduate of a Putnam County high school. If the recipient is a junior, he/she will retain the scholarship for his/her senior year provided he/she is making satisfactory progress toward a degree. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. Amount varies.

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Whitlow-Crawford Scholarship Endowment

The recipient must be an entering junior; current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; must be a full-time student enrolled in the School of Nursing upper division and have achieved and maintain a minimum QPA of 3.2; be a student who clearly exhibits Fanny Barbour Whitlow's qualities of dedication, commitment, leadership, and a passion for the profession as determined by the School of Nursing scholarship committee. Financial need may be considered but is not a mandatory criterion. The scholarship may be renewed for the senior year as long as applicant meets all applicable criteria. The scholarship award will be a maximum of 1.5 times the current maintenance fees provided sufficient funds are available. Amount varies.

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Richard H. and Isable D. Creager Sr. Scholarship

Prospective or current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies who has declared nursing as his/her major. Demonstrate initiative, creativity and a sense of responsibility for his/her behavior and be an entering freshman at the time of the initial award. Amount varies.

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Theodore R. and Bonnie R. Deur Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The Theodore R. and Bonnie R. Deur Scholarship Endowment. The recipient must be a prospective or lower division student who has declared nursing as his/her major or a current upper division nursing student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; first preference will be given to students from Overton or Pickett Counties, Tennessee. Second preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need, although it is not required that students be qualified for federal or other governmental financial aid. Amount varies.

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Annie Mae Grant Nursing Scholarship Endowment

This scholarship is available to an entering freshman. The recipient may retain the scholarship for four academic years provided he/she continues to make satisfactory progress toward a degree in nursing. Must demonstrate financial need. Amount varies. Warren O. and Gloria H. Essler Endowment The recipient must be a prospective or current student in good standing with the University. They must exhibit good character and citizenship through participation in school and community activities. The nursing scholarship will be called the Gloria H. Essler Nursing Scholarship. The recipient will be selected on the basis of financial need. The recipient must be a Registered Nurse pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing, or a rising junior or senior nursing student. The recipient must have an accumulated grade average in the upper one-third of her/his class. The Dean of the School of Nursing, or the persons designated by the Dean, will select the scholarship recipient. The endowment will be housed under the Tennessee Tech Development Council. Administration will be shared by the College of Engineering and the School of Nursing. Awards will be made to an Engineering student for odd fiscal years (1995-96) and a Nursing student, even fiscal years (1996-97). Amount varies.

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Nursing Development Council Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the School of Nursing Development Council Scholarship Endowment. The recipient must be a full-time, upper division nursing student who will be attending the School of Nursing when the scholarship is awarded; financial need will be a consideration; academic standing will be a consideration (though it is not a requirement). Amount varies. Each year the first Nursing Scholarship funded by the Nursing Development Council Scholarship Endowment shall be named the Patricia A. Sommer Scholarship in honor of the first Dean of the Tennessee Tech School of Nursing.

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Nancy Fry Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the Nancy Fry Endowment. The recipient must be a prospective or current full-time student. Financial need and academic standing will be a consideration (though it is not a requirement). Amount varies.

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Hamilton Scholarship in Nursing

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the Hamilton Scholarship in Nursing Endowment. The recipient must be a declared nursing major in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies. The scholarship will be awarded annually in a number and amount to be determined by the Dean of the School of Nursing to support student recruitment and/or retention.

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Blanche E. Hay Nursing Scholarship

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the Blanche E. Hay Nursing Scholarship. The recipient must be a prospective or current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; must be an upper-division nursing student from Overton County. Amount $1,000.

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Don S. and Sarah P. Hayes Nursing Scholarship

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the Don S. and Sarah P. Hayes Nursing Scholarship. The recipient must be a prospective or current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; must be an upper-division nursing student from Overton County. Amount $1,500.

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W. Clyde and Marie Hyder Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the W. Clyde and Marie Hyder Scholarship Endowment. The School of Nursing Foundation scholarship committees will, in selecting recipients, consider financial need but shall not make it a mandatory condition for eligibility. The recipient must be a prospective or current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; be a prospective or full-time student enrolled in either the School of Agriculture or the School of Nursing and pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree; if an entering freshman, receive a letter of recommendation from his/her high school principal and the vocational agriculture instructor, if applicable. The guiding philosophy in administering the scholarship shall be a desire on the part of the donors to help worthy students enroll or remain enrolled in the Schools of Agriculture and Nursing. The number and amount of scholarships awarded each will be based on School of Agriculture and School of Nursing needs and the available funds. An individual scholarship shall be no more than $1,000 annually. The dean of the School of Nursing shall approve all scholarship recipients. Annually, 25 percent, but not to exceed a maximum of $1,000, of available scholarship funds shall be designated for the School of Nursing scholarships.

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Willie Rush Jewell Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the Willie Rush Jewell Scholarship Endowment. The recipient must be a prospective or current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; must be a Nursing major in junior or senior status; be a Tennessee resident. Amount varies. Dr. J.T. Moore Scholarship Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the Dr. J.T. Moore Scholarship. The recipient must be a prospective or current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies; must be a full-time junior or senior enrolled in the School of Nursing. Amount varies.

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Gladys Stringfield Owen Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The Gladys Stringfield Owen Endowed Scholarship in Nursing. The recipient must exhibit good character and citizenship through participation in school and community activities, choose nursing as a career, and be classified as a nursing major while attending Tennessee Technological University. All class levels are eligible for this scholarship, including entering freshmen and Registered Nurses. All applicants who have financial needs will be given preference among those who meet all other criteria. All other award criteria as may be appropriate at any given time, such as class rank, grade average, test scores, course requirements and hours completed, will be at the discretion of the School of Nursing and/or School's Scholarship Committee. Each scholarship stipend shall be equal to, but no less than the annual maintenance fees in a given academic year.

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Lorraine Peters Nursing Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The Lorraine Peters Nursing Scholarship. The recipient must be a current student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies and must be a rising senior. The recipient will be selected by the CRMC Auxiliary Scholarship Committee, and the award will be presented at the Auxiliary's spring banquet.

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Betty Ragle Endowment

The endowment fund will be used at the discretion of the Dean of the School of Nursing. The uses of the fund may include, but not be limited to, scholarships, equipment purchases and faculty development. Amount varies.

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Barbara Reynolds, Ph.D., RN Endowed Scholarship

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through the endowment:

  •     Must be a current nursing student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies.
  •     Must be an upcoming junior student, contingent upon being accepted into upper division nursing.

Fran Rothschild Scholarship Endowment

The recipient(s) must be an upper division nursing student; financial need will be a consideration and academic standing will be a consideration (though it is not a requirement). Amount varies.

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Charlotte M. Sublett Nursing Scholarship Endowment

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The Charlotte M. Sublett Nursing Scholarship Endowment. Must be a junior or senior nursing student in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies. Preference will be given to students from the Upper Cumberland area of Middle Tennessee.

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Anne Tatum Nursing Endowed Scholarship

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The Anne Tatum Nursing Endowed Scholarship. The recipient must be a second semester junior or higher upper division and must be from White County. If more than one nursing student is from White County, grade point averages will be reviewed and the award given to the student who has the highest grade in Pharmacology. Amount varies.

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White County Breast Cancer Survivor Nursing Scholarship

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive a scholarship through The White County Breast Cancer Survivor Nursing Scholarship. The recipient must be a graduating senior from White County High School who has declared nursing as a major. The recipient must have a minimum ACT of 22 and be ranked in the upper third of his/her class. Amount $1,000.

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Cookeville Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship Award

Any student who meets the following criteria will be eligible to receive the Cookeville Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship. The recipient must be a full time student enrolled in the School of Nursing; have completed all work required to be classified as a senior for fall semester of the year in which the scholarship is awarded; complete an application for the scholarship by the deadline (application housed in the Dean's Secretary Office); have achieved QPA of at least 3.0 overall and 3.2 nursing major; identify financial needs, outstanding loans, or other scholarship information on the application; demonstrate, as determined by application listings and interviews, an interest in advancing in the profession in nursing; and attach a transcript of all previous college course work.

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Elizabeth Killeffer Scholarship Loan Fund, Tennessee Nurses Association, District 9

Applications and information available in the School of Nursing. Amount varies.

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Mabel Marshall Scholarship (Pilot Club of Cookeville)

The Pilot Club of Cookeville awards a $500 scholarship per semester to a junior or senior nursing student for one academic year. Applicants must be full time students who are residents of Jackson or Putnam Counties and who maintain an overall QPA of 3.0. Tennessee League for Nursing Available for upper division nursing students. Amount and number of scholarships vary yearly.

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