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Publications by WHSON Faculty

Browning S, Watters R, Thompson-Smith C. Impact of therapeutic music listening on intensive care unit patients: A pilot study. Nursing Clinics of North America. 2020; 55(4): 557-569. DOI: 10.1016/j.cnur.2020.06.016

Russell, B., Piras, S., & Jared, B. (2020) “To End With a Question of Inquiry: An Undergraduate Research Course Redesign.” Virginia Henderson Global Nursing Repository Library, link TBD March 2020.

Piras, S. E. & Dahlstrom, M. F. (2020) Caring for Clients through Concepts: Clinical Nursing Skills. Chapter 16: Central Venous Access, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Piras, S. E., & Hurley, S. (2020) Caring for Clients through Concepts: Clinical Nursing Skills. Chapter 11: Bowel Management, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Maffett, J. H. & Howard, T. W. (2020). In L. Stein & C. Hollen (Eds.), Concept-Based Clinical Nursing Skills: Fundamental to Advanced (pp. TBD).  Elsevier

Donadio, A. J., & Hurley, S. (2020). The telephone game: An effective tool in post conference reporting. Nurse Educator. 45(5). (Accepted for publication, page number unknown)

Fornehed, M. L., Mixer, S. J., & Lindley, L. C. (2020). Families decision making at end of life in rural Appalachia.  Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing.

Mixer, S. J., & Fornehed, M. L. (2020).  People of Appalachian heritage.  In. L. D. Purnell (ed.) Transcultural health care: A culturally competent approach (5th ed.) (pp._).  Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.

Geist, M.J., Sanders, J.R., Arce-Trigatti, A., Harris, K., Cass, C. (2019). Clinical Immersion: An approach for fostering critical thinking, cross-disciplinary communication, and innovation in nursing and engineering undergraduate students. Nurse Educator, 44(2). doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000547

Cruz, L., & Geist, M.J. (2019). A team-teaching matrix: Asking new questions about how we teach together. Teaching and Learning, 12(1).

Guimaraes, T., Carmo Caccia-Bava, M., & Geist, M.J. (2019). The moderating effect of organization culture on competition intensity and hospital quality. Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 15 (9).

Arce-Trigatti, A., Geist, M.J., & Sanders, J.R. (2019).  Analysis of engineering and nursing student communication strategies in an undergraduate, cross-disciplinary, collaborative course. Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, 4(1).

Fidan, I., Geist, M.J., Kim, Z., & Chitiyo, g. (2019). Development and implementation of a cross-disciplinary additive manufacturing for healthcare innovation course. Proceedings from American Society of Engineering Education National Meeting; April 2019.

Hellman, A. & Hurley, S. (2019).  The MOUNT Model of Student Nurse Development during Times of Disaster. Nursing Economic$. Sep./Oct. 2019, 37(5): 246-254

Mabry, J.L., Lee, E., Roberts, T., & Garrett, R. (December 2019) Virtual Simulation to Increase Self-efficacy through deliberate practice.  Nurse Educator doi:10.1097/NNE. 0000000000000758. 

Roberts, T. (2020). Simulation to teach safe patient handling and mobility for home caregivers.  Home Health Care Management and Practice, 1-5. Doi: 10.1177/1084822320925801

Grants Awarded to WHSON Faculty

Barnett, J., Bowerman, C., Edwards, S., Sanders, J.R. (PI), Geist, M.J, Pardue, B.A. Serious as a Heart Attack: A Portable Troponin Monitor. (2020)

Fornehed, M. et. al (2020).” Effectiveness of Concurrent Hospice Care to Improve Pediatric and Family Outcomes at End of Life” NHI Grant. Awarded: $201,420. (20-21)

Guenther, E., Hornback, T., Pardue, B.A. (PI), Geist, M.J., Sanders, J.R.

Neonatal Skin-to-Skin Simulator (2020)

Hurley, S., Hellman, A. & Farris, D. (2020) “ArtTherapy4Life Tennessee” CMP CMS Grant. Awarded: $665,086. (20-21)

Russell, B., NCAA Innovations in Research and Practice Grant Program (2020) – “Food for Thought for Student Athletes: An Online Education Program to Fuel Athletes with Knowledge on Nutrition and Mental Health” – Senior Personnel – Awarded $20,000.

“Project AWAKEN at Tennessee Tech University (Awareness, Advocacy, Knowledge, Empower, Nurture) Amount $300,000. Funding Period: October 2017-October 2020. Department of Justice. Violence Against Women Act. PI: Hellman, A.

Piras, S., Nursing Research Collaboration Grant award, Agency: Cookeville Regional Medical Center, Activation Amount: $12,053 (Dates of activation 08/15/2019-05/15/2020)

Piras, S., Nursing Research Collaboration Grant award, Agency: Cookeville Regional Medical Center, Activation Amount: $12,172 (Dates of activation 08/24/2020-05/7/2021)

Donadio, A., Geist M.J., Cathey H., Evidence of potential for critical thinking enriched course: Creative Inquiry activities, student learning outcomes, and assessment. EDGE Course and Curriculum Grant, Amount $8990.00. (20-21).

Presentations by WHSON Faculty

Browing, S., Piras, S. 2022, Oct. 19-22: “8th International Nurse Education Conference; From education to impact: Transforming nursing and midwifery education,” Elsevier – Nurse Education Today and Nurse Education in Practice (NETNEP 2022), Sitges, Spain.  Oral presentation, “Bridging the critical care gaps for the kinesthetic learner”.

Sarfo, R., Williams, L., Chernecky, C., Thornton, J., Frances, Y. & Zadinsky, J., (2018) Health Literacy and hospital readmission rate among African Americans with heart failure.  ”Inclusivity in Science to Address Diverse Care Needs” the Southern Nursing Research Society’s 34th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA (March 18, 2020).

Russell, B., “To End with a Question of Inquiry: An Undergraduate Research Course Design” Nursing Education Research Conference (National League for Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau International) – accepted July 3, 2019 to present on March 26-28, 2020, Washington, D.C.

Piras, S., February 2020, Podium Presentation: Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, “Building a Bridge Across Healthcare Professional Interprofessional Education at a University with Limited Health Science Majors in collaboration with Dr. J. Duvall, Dr. S. Hudson, Dr. M. Phillips and Dr. C. Sisk.

Lee, E. & Mabry, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 46th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il, April 22-26, 2020.  Podium Presentation Bridging the Rural Healthcare Gap with FNP Clinical Preparatory Training.

Geist, M.J. (2019, September 12). Transdisciplinary Pedagogical Strategies to Increase Student Nurses’ Critical Thinking, Teamwork, and Problem-solving Skills. Conducted at the meeting of the 18th Congress of the Society of Cuban Nurses, Havana, Cuba.

Geist, M.J., Ohio Organization of Practical Nurse Educators (Columbus, OH). Totally Engaging Nursing Students: A Toolbox for Active Learning, April 25th, 2019.

Geist, M.J., Maryland Nurse Educators 2nd Annual Nursing Colloquium (Chesapeake, MD).  The SAFETY template applied to the Next Generation Testing Standards, April 2nd, 2019.

Geist, M.J., Penn State Nursing Twitter Chat.  Design Thinking for Healthcare Problems, May 2019.

Hellman, A., “Project AWAKEN: A New Program on Tennessee Tech’s Campus” TNA Regional Meeting.  Podium. Cookeville, TN. September 12, 2019

Howard, T., Poster presentation – “How a public observation assignment affects the beginning BSN nursing student” TNA/TASN Annual Convention (October 2019, Memphis, TN)

Jared, B.E., “The Merging of Spiritual and Physical Care: A Reflection on Medical Missions in Brazil”, Tennessee Tech WHSON Nursing Christian Fellowship, September 23rd and 26th, 2019

Langford, M., Quantity and Quality of Sleep in Psychiatric Inpatients. (8/20/19) Tennessee Tech University DNP Intensives-Research Day. 

Lee, E., Roberts, T. & Mabry, J., Tennessee Simulation Alliance 2019 Simulation Conference, Knoxville, TN March 28, 2019, Podium Presentation Increasing Self-Efficacy with Virtual Simulation.

House Maffett, J.*, & Howard, T. (July 31, 2019), Poster Presentation How a Public Observation Affects the Beginning BSN Nursing Student.  TNA & TASN Joint Convention: Nursing the Real Super Heroes.  October 18-20, 2019, Memphis, TN.

Piras, S., August 2019. Podium Presentation: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.  Upper Cumberland Symposium. “Everything You Need to Know about Nursing Research” in collaboration with Dr. B. Russell

Roberts, T. & Hanna, K, Podium Presentation, Improvement of Quality of Life for Nursing Home Residents through the "Music & Memory" Program – 2019 CMP Reinvestment Parade of Programs, Lentz Public Health Center, Nashville, TN. July 2, 2019.

Russell, B., Piras, S. & Jared, B., Podium Presentation “To End With a Question of Inquiry: An Undergraduate Research Course Design” – Nursing Education Research Conference (National League for Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau International) – Accepted July 3, 2019 to present on March 26-28, 2020, Washington, TN

Russell, B., (August 2019) School of Nursing Faculty Retreat – “Online Education: Current Practices, Evidence, and Resources”

Russell, B., (August 2019) DNP Intensive Research Colloquium – “Culture of Curiosity: The Experienced Nurse Educator and Intellectual Curiosity in the Online Learning Environment”

Russell, B., (August 2019) 3rd Annual Upper Cumberland AACN Summer Symposium – “Qualitative Research: The Art of Nursing”

Bowman, D., (Spring 2019) Faculty Sponsor/Mentor for Undergraduate 14th annual Tennessee Tech Student Research Day (Student won First place for Nursing department)

Awards Granted to WHSON Faculty

Hanna, K. 2019, Wings Up 100 Research Achievement Award, Tennessee Tech University.

Hurley, S., May 2020, Anne Floyd Koci Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, awarded by Whitson-Hester School of Nursing Tennessee Tech University.

Butler, K. May 2020, Anne Floyd Koci Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, awarded by Whitson-Hester School of Nursing Tennessee Tech University.

Fornehed, M., May 2020, Anne Floyd Koci Faculty Award for Excellence in Service, awarded by Whitson-Hester School of Nursing Tennessee Tech University.

Hellman, A., May 2019,  Anne Floyd Koci Faculty Award for Excellence in Service, awarded by Whitson-Hester School of Nursing Tennessee Tech University.

Piras, S., May 2019, Anne Floyd Koci Faculty for Excellence in Research, awarded by Whitson-Hester School of Nursing Tennessee Tech University.

Smith, S., May 2019, Anne Floyd Koci Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, awarded by Whitson-Hester School of Nursing Tennessee Tech University.

Geist, M., 2020 Tennessee Tech University Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching.

Geist, M., 2020 Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Alumni Award for Innovation in Health Care. (20-21)

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