Student Academic Integrity - Committee

University Academic Integrity Committee

The University Academic Integrity Committee evaluates student appeals of academic integrity violations. See Policy 216: Student Academic Integrity for committee procedures and information about how the voting members are selected. There is additional information about appeal hearings for students and for instructors.

There are 12 voting committee members: one faculty member from each College/School and four student members.

    • Cara Sisk, faculty, College of Agriculture & Human Ecology (alternates: Jim Baier, Dennis Duncan)
    • Philip Davis, faculty, College of Arts & Sciences (alternates: Debbie Barnard, Elizabeth Robinson)
    • Robert Wilbanks, faculty, College of Business (alternates: Sean Alley, Edwin Baidoo)
    • Jeremy Wendt, faculty, College of Education & Human Sciences (alternates: Christy Killman, Sara Wehrmann, Bobbi Severt)
    • Jeffrey Austen, faculty, College of Engineering (alternates: Tristan Hill, Mazen Hussein)
    • Wendy Mullen, faculty, College of Fine Arts (alternates: Jayce Clemons, Rena Wood)
    • Mark Warnick, faculty, College of Interdisciplinary Studies (alternates: Steve Sharp, Samantha Allen)
    • Stacey Browning, faculty, School of Nursing (alternates: Susan Piras, Stacie Rothfus)
    • Kathryn Dye, student
    • Jimmy Guadalupe, student
    • Kelsey Hewitt, student
    • Braxton Westbrook, student

There are three non-voting* committee members (*in the case of a tie vote, the AIO votes to break the tie).

    • AIO: the university's Academic Integrity Officer, who also serves as the committee chair. 
    • Major Dean: the Dean or designated representative of the College/School of the suspected student’s major.
    • Course Dean: the Dean or designated representative of the College/School where the course is offered.

The Major/Course Deans or designated representatives include:

        • Darron Smith, College of Agriculture & Human Ecology
        • Daren Snider, College of Arts & Sciences
        • Tom Payne, College of Business
        • Matt R. Smith, College of Education & Human Sciences
        • Kumar Yelamarthi, College of Engineering
        • Jennifer Shank, College of Fine Arts
        • Mike Gotcher, College of Interdisciplinary Studies
        • Kim Hanna, School of Nursing



An appeal hearing can only happen if there is a quorum. As per Policy 216, a quorum includes at least 7 voting committee members; there must be at least 2 students and at least 5 faculty.



All committee members must adhere to FERPA and keep committee-related information confidential. They should not discuss the student's identity, instructor's identity, charging details, appeal details, or hearing details with people who are not involved in the academic integrity violation process. 


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