Office of Sponsored Programs
Loaner Laptop Request
- Loaner laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis and must be reserved at least 2 weeks before your departure. A limited number of laptops are available.
- The length of checkout should not exceed 30 calendar days.
- Your request will be reviewed by the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) and Information Technology Services (ITS).
- If your request is approved, the laptop must be picked up within 2-3 business days prior to travel departure date or your reservation will be cancelled. Contact us at to schedule a time to pick up the laptop.
- The laptop must be returned within 5 business days of your travel return date. Contact us at to schedule a time to drop off the laptop.
- In case of conflict, priority will be given to individuals traveling to higher risk countries and/or those whose areas of research or technology pose higher risk of intellectual property loss.