Office of Sponsored Programs
Research Toolkit
- The research toolkit provides samples and templates for common proposal components, as well as information on the core facilities available at Tennessee Tech. This page is a work in progress, so please let us know if you think of something to be added.

- NSF is incorporating increases in Biographical Sketch page limits (from two to three) and new functionality (including ability to delete blank pages and addition of new sections) in the Current and Pending Support formats. See the links below to the latest information on Biographical Sketches and Current and Pending Support documents.
- As of October 5, 2020, NSF will only accept biosketch and Current & Pending Support PDFs that are generated through use of an NSF-Approved format (i.e. either SciENcv or NSF fillable PDF).
- Latest Information about Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support (Please see note above also in terms of effective date change to Oct. 5)
- NSF Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support Fillable PDF Document FAQs
- Using SciENcv [for preparation of biographical sketches] Frequently Asked Questions
- SciENcv Tutorial (YouTube Video)
- 2020 NSF Biosketch Instructions
- NSF Clarification on Synergistic Activities
- NSF Webinar on Approved Formats for Biosketches and Current/Pending Support Sections of Proposals
- DOE Biosketch Template
- NIH announced Biographical Sketch and Other Support form changes, effective May 25,
Summary of changes:
Biosketches (Biosketch resources)
1. Section B, Positions and Honors, has been renamed Positions, Scientific Appointments, and Honors. Entries should be in reverse chronological order.
2. Non-fellowship Biosketch: Section D has been removed.
3. Fellowship Biosketch: Section D has been updated to simply say Scholastic Performance.
4. Ongoing and completed research projects now goes in the part A. Personal Statement. NIH has provided a sample biosketch (Word document).
Other Support (usually for part of the JIT document requirement)
1. Funding and in-kind support are now separate
2. Each PD/PI or senior/key personnel must electronically sign their Other Support section as a PDF prior to submission
3. Undisclosed Other Support must be immediately reported.
4. Copies "of contracts, grants or any other agreement specific to senior/key personnel foreign appointments and/or employment with a foreign institution as supporting documentation. If they are not in English, recipients must provide translated copies."
Blueprint for Pre-Award Assistance
- OneNote Blueprint file (requires Tech username and password to access) | PDF (of the information contained in the OneNote file)
- Grant Budget-Development Worksheet (Excel file, requires Tech username and password to access)
Budgets and Budget Justifications
- Budget Calculator: Research & Economic Development has prepared an Excel spreadsheet to assist in preparing
budgets. This is a macro-enabled workbook, so you may need to adjust
security settings in your spreadsheet program. You must log into the SharePoint site
using your Tennessee Tech username and password to access the calculator. - Budget and Budget Justification
1. Budget Justification Template (Word)
2. Further Budget Justification Information (PDF file)
3. UC Berkeley Sample Budget Justification
4. Why are Budget Justifications Important? (Blog from the University of Texas at Dallas)
5. Preparing the Budget (Blog from the University of Texas at Dallas) - Budget Information from the TN Department of Finance and Administration
1. Department of Finance and Administration Policy
2. Department of Finance and Administration Grant Budget (PDF file)
3. Department of Finance and Administration Grant Budget (with Grantee Match)
(Word file)
Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
- Labs Available for Faculty and Student Use in Research
- 2019 Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources Template
- NSF Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources 2017 Sample
- Tennessee Tech Facilities Example
Data Management Plan
Goals and Objectives
Letters of Commitment
NSF Checklists and FAQs
- NSF Checklist External
- FAQs on proposal preparation and award administration related to the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1)
- FAQs on NSF MRI awards
Proposal Preparation
- Hazelrigg: Twelve Steps to a Winning Research Proposal
- Getting Started with a Grant
- Why Proposals Aren't Funded
- Subrecipient Monitoring on Federal Awards
- Subrecipient Checklist Form