Military & Veteran Affairs - Forms


Certification Request Form 

Chapters 33, 30, 1606, 35 and 31

Every term you plan on utilizing your benefits, you will be required to submit a Certification Request Form to our office. We need this form in order to certify your enrollment with the VA and make sure that they pay out your benefits. This form will be automatically sent to the Military and Veteran Affairs office. 



Deferment Request Form 

For all students utilizing a military educational benefit

All students who are utilizing a military educational benefit have the opportunity to use a deferment. This form defers all charges in full until the end of the term. This form also confirms your enrollment. It is best to complete this form prior to the beginning of the term to ensure your schedule is confirmed and remains unaffected by any outstanding charges owed for the semester. This form is usually submitted together with your Certification Request Form. 

Deferment Request ForM


Tennessee STRONG Act Application

Tennessee National Guard 

The Tennessee STRONG Act is a reimbursement program for members of the TN National Guard to obtain funding towards a first bachelor's degree. You can find more information about the Tennessee STRONG Act at this website: 

TN STRONG Act Application Packet


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