Tennessee Tech Freshman Housing and Meal Options

Freshman Housing and Meal Options

Freshman Dinning Options

Gold Unlimited
Purple Weekly
Unlimited Access Everyday to The Caf 15 Meals per Week (any day of the week)
$300 Dining Dollars $350 Dining Dollars
1 Daily Meal Exchange No Meal Exchange
8 Guest Meals / Semester 6 Guest Meals / Semester
$3,311 / Semester $3,205 / Semester


  • Freshmen living in the residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan for their first two semesters of enrollment, excluding summer, and may choose either the Gold Unlimited or the Purple Weekly.
  • If freshmen residents fail to select a plan, the system will default to the Purple Weekly.
    If you do not have a dorm assignment, you will only be allowed to select taxable meal plans.
  • Your taxable/non-taxable status is verified nightly and your taxable charge will be updated as needed.

Freshman Housing Options

Room Style
Fall/Spring Rate
Summer Rate
Traditional Dorm


$3,177.00 $909.00

Double as Single (*buyout)

$3,898.00 $1,076.00

Single (1 person)

$3,378.00 $982.00
Murphy Hall Super Single (1 person) $3,777.00


New Halls


$4,192.00 N/A

Double as Single (*buyout)

$5,040.00 N/A
Single (North Hall Only) $4,656.00 N/A
Engineering Village


$3,277.00 N/A

Double as Single (*buyout)

$3,998.00 N/A

Single (1 person)

$3,478.00 N/A

Below are the different residence hall room types that are available on campus.

  • Single (one-person) Room - Single rooms in each hall (especially New Hall North) carry a larger rate than other rooms in the same hall
  • Super Single (one person) Room - This is a single room type that only exists in Murphy Hall (Honors Village). It also has a full size bed instead of the regular twin bed. Murphy Hall has both regular single rooms and the super single rooms. The cost of the super single room is more expensive. The Honors Program makes all assignments for Murphy Hall after applications are completed.
  • Double (two-person) Room - Each hall is designed primarily of double rooms and we will assign two to a room.
  • Triple (three-person) Room (No Longer Available) - These are not currently available. We are treating these rooms as double rooms and assigning 2 people exclusively to them because of COVID-19 precautions.
Capital Quad Residence Halls
Pinkerton Quad
New Halls

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