


Library Searching Online Instruction Views
  2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019
Library Searching (3 videos) 1,895 2,187 4,788 5,283 2,610
Library searching quiz completions* 4,099 2,983 3,566 1,432  
Archives library instruction views 112        
Research Poster Design (1 video) 2,016 1,183 429    
Copyright/Plagiarism (5 videos) 1,926 1,951 5,907    
Effective Presentations (3 videos) 267 631 1,519    
TOTAL VIEWS (not quiz completions) 6,216 5,952 12,653    

*students may take the quiz repeatedly to improve their score


Number of Traditional Instruction Sessions
2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019
8 27 17 50 205
Number of Users Receiving Traditional Instruction
2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018
94 312 237 824 3,577 4,199


2022-2023: Traditional library instruction decreased again as almost all general instruction is done via online tutorials and a corresponding quiz. Online instruction decreased as well because the university no longer requires all students to take a general university orientation class.

2021-2022: Traditional library instruction continues to be minimal now that the bulk of instruction is online. Archives instruction has increased.

2020-2021:  Traditional instruction continued to decline as faculty use the online instruction videos.  The instruction research activity is also now available on our website.

2019-2020: The bulk of instruction has moved online with fewer librarians available to do in-person instruction.  An online instruction quiz was created in August 2019. The most popular traditional instruction activity was doing a research activity with a class, which was classified as Other in the covered topics.

2018-2019: The departments were more spread out and there were more library workshops, which resulted in more "other" departmental stats.  FLS is no longer a part of our campus as of this year.  Archives instruction increased this year despite an overall reduction in sessions and number of users receiving instruction.

2017-2018: Instruction increased in both sessions and users.  The English, nursing, and orientation classes increased this year.

2016-2017: Instruction statistics decreased this year because the library is no longer offering financial literacy instruction in-person for all first year orientation classes.  That instruction is now done online, and financial literacy instruction is done in-person only for athletes, special programs, and upper-division classes.

Tennessee Tech Library - more than you expect

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