Curriculum and Instruction - Welcome from the Chair

Welcome from Dr. Jeremy Wendt


On behalf of the faculty, staff and graduate assistants, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. We have a strong commitment to both undergraduate and graduate student success.Jeremy Wendt

The programs and services in our Department are guided by high professional standards, are nationally accredited, follow best instructional practices, and focus on the development of competent professionals in a diverse, technological society.

We have expanded our programs and added new faculty during the past several years, including the initiation of new graduate and undergraduate programs.

I am extremely proud to serve our students, staff, and highly qualified faculty. As one of the largest academic departments at Tech, our programs range from undergraduate through doctoral with more than 1,000 students. We offer a diversity of licensure and non-licensure options.

Please contact me personally or our office, if you need additional information. We will be happy to assist you in reaching your educational and professional goals.

Best Regards,

Dr. Jeremy Wendt, Professor & Chair
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
College of Education & Human Sciences
P: 931-372-3181



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