Exercise Science - Graduate Admissions

Online Master of Arts

Admission Requirements and Advisement

Graduate Advisor

Dr. Christy Killman, Professor and Chair of Exercise Science
Email: ckillman@tntech.edu | Phone: 931-372-3467

College of Graduate Studies / Contact and Apply

Email: gradstudies@tntech.edu | Phone: 931-372-3233

College of Graduate Studies   Apply Online Here

Writing Requirements for Admission

If you do not have a sample of undergraduate writing from a 4000 level course, then you will need to complete a writing sample from the prompts below. 

Pick one of the topics below and write a 500-word essay and then upload your finished work into your application account with the College of Graduate Studies. NOTE: Your application for admission as a graduate student will not be processed without a writing sample. 

Please contact Exercise Science, exercise-science@tntech.edu, if you have questions about the requirements.

Writing Topics (choose one)

  1. Discuss a time when you have failed at something and tell about what happened as the result.
  2. Discuss Metabolic Syndrome.  Include definition, causes, risk factors, symptoms, and treatment.
  3. It is reported that 50% of all people who start an exercise program dropout within one year of starting the program. Describe in detail the factors related to exercise attrition and adherence to an exercise program. Focus on factors that are modifiable and ways you will modify them.

Tk20 Data Management System

All students entering the online Master's program in Exercise Science must purchase a Tk20 account (individual student data management system).

Tk20 Data Management System

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