College of Education & Human Sciences - Awards

Engage. Educate. Empower.11th Annual College of Education & Human Sciences and Teacher Appreciation Awards

2024-2025 Nominations Open


The College of Education & Human Sciences Awards recognize outstanding alumni, faculty, students, and staff of the college, for their dedication, contributions, and innovations.

Our Annual Teacher Appreciation Awards showcase current P-12 educators, administrators/principals, librarians, school counselors, and school psychologists working in partnership with the teacher candidates. These awards also highlight the college's future education professionals.

To Make Your Nomination(s)

1) Complete the appropriate Online Nomination Form(s) [the form links are located in the categories below];

2) and upload a one-page nomination letter, explaining the nominee's work and/or contributions in the appropriate category and how those merit consideration.

PLEASE NOTE: Nomination letters that do not include sufficient support information cannot be considered.

Award Categories and Nomination Forms

  • Alumnus of the Year

    Nominations for this award are accepted from College of Education & Human Sciences faculty, staff, and students.

    A demonstrated commitment to the College of Education & Human Sciences.

    Make Your Nomination for Alumnus of the Year

  • Faculty Award Categories & Criteria

    The Departments of Counseling and Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction, and Exercise Science.

    Nominations are accepted from College of Education & Human Sciences faculty, staff, students, partner educators, and the university community. 

    Demonstrated impactful teaching via student success, which may include student evaluation data, edTPA scores, student active employment following graduation, etc.

    Demonstrated active agenda pursuing and achieving external funding. Submitted proposals may be considered in part, but alone are not sufficient to merit an award.

    Combination of community, university, and professional service; active in their discipline, dedication/passion to field of study; puts others first.

    Team Player/Encourager
    Demonstrated support for colleagues and evidence of impactful group work.

    Make Your Nomination for a Faculty Member

  • Outstanding Advisor & Staff Awards

    Nominations are accepted from College of Education & Human Sciences faculty, staff, students, and the university community.

    Advisor Award for Outstanding Service
    A demonstrated commitment to the College of Education & Human Sciences and advocacy for student success.

    Staff Award for Outstanding Service
    Demonstrated evidence of exemplary support for College of Education & Human Sciences students, staff, faculty, and community stakeholders.

    Nominate an Advisor or Staff Member

  • Student Award Categories: Graduate & Undergraduate

    Departments of Counseling & Psychology, Curriculum & Instruction, and Exercise Science.

    Nominations, in the four (4) categories below, are accepted from College of Education & Human Sciences faculty, staff, students, and the university community.

    Demonstrated ability to work well with others, respectful of others, serve as example for others, inspire others to act and perform their best.

    Community, university, profession; active in their discipline, dedication/passion to field of study, puts others first.

    Respectful, demonstrated ability to follow policy and procedure, dependable, responsible, positive attitude, empathetic.

    Takes initiative, lifelong learner, proactive, curious, exceed expectations, self-motivated, innovative, eagerly completes tasks.

    Make Your Nomination for Undergraduate or Graduate Students

  • David L. Larimore Excellence in Research Award (graduate)

    Graduate-Level Award Only

    This recognition is a prestigious, annual accolade bestowed upon a graduate student from the College of Education & Human Sciences who demonstrates outstanding achievement in research.


    Outstanding Quality of Research: The student’s research should exhibit originality and significance in their field of study. This involves a thorough understanding of the subject matter, innovative methodology, and significant findings that contribute to the field of education.

    Recommendation from Faculty: A nomination or recommendation from faculty members who can attest to the student's research excellence and potential contributions to the field.

    Publication or Presentation at a Conference: The student must either (i) have successfully presented or published their research at a reputable academic conference or in a respected academic journal or (ii) planning to present or publish the findings.

    Eligible nominations constitute research conducted within the last three (3) years.

    The selection process for the David L. Larimore Excellence in Research Award will be overseen by a panel of three (3) faculty members from the College of Education & Human Sciences.

    David L. Larimore Award Scoring Rubric  Make Your Nomination

  • Future Educator Awards: Graduate & Undergraduate

    Awarded to teacher candidates in practicum and/or residency experiences (one [1] graduate student and [1] one undergraduate).

    Nominations are accepted from College of Education & Human Sciences faculty, academic advisors, and mentor/supervisory educators, administrators, etc. working with our teacher candidates.

    Nominate a Future Educator

  • Current P-12 Education Professional Categories

    Nominations for current P-12 educators, administrators/principals, librarians, school counselors, and school psychologists are accepted from teacher candidates in practicum/residency experiences and College of Education & Human Sciences faculty and/or staff working with our partner educators.

    Nominate a Current P-12 Education professional


    Middle School



    Early Childhood

    Physical Education

    Elementary School

    School Counselor

    English as a Second Language (ESL)

    School Psychologist

    High School

    Special Education



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