College of Graduate Studies
Theses & Dissertations: List of Tables
Tables in your document
- Use Times New Roman for text in the tables. Use size 12 where able, but 10 or 11 size may also be used to fit text within the table. Line spacing within a table should be single-spaced.
- All tables should be labeled and formatted in APA style with numbering, title, notes, borders, etc.
- Tables should be placed after the paragraph where they are first mentioned. If a table continues is very large, it can start on the next page after it is mentioned. If your charge is longer than one page, type Table 1 (Continued) at the top of the next page and be sure the table headings are repeated.
- References in your text to tables must reference a specific table and number, for example: "As demonstrated in Table 3..." Do not use, "As demonstrated in the following table...."
- You are to reference your table in the paragraph immediately preceding or following the location of the table.
- If your table needs to be rotated because it is too large, rotate just the table with the top of the table at the 1.5" margin side.
- Repeat the headings if your table has to continue on a new page.
- The titles of your tables should be italicized throughout the paper.
- Tables within the appendix need to have the appendix section and table number. For example, Table A.1, refers to the first table in appendix A.
Note: you only flip your table when it is too wide. In the event that you do continue your table on a new page, be sure to label the table. For example, insert "Table 2 (continued)" on the new page.
List of Tables Page
- Required if there are two or more tables in your document including the appendices.
- Type List of Tables on the top line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it properly. See Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
- Leave the next line blank.
- Type Page (#), tab once, type Table 1: Title of Table One.
- If your page number is a single digit, you will need to tab twice so that all table names are aligned.
- List each table on a new line.
- If your title is so long it goes onto another line, indent that line to match where all table names start.
- If you have tables in the appendix, be sure to add them on this list. Do not bold or italicize.