College of Graduate Studies - Theses & Dissertations - Vita

Theses & Dissertations: Vita

The vita cannot be more than one page. A vita is a biographical narrative about you with personal, academic, and professional information about you as appropriate.

Remember your thesis/dissertation is available to the public and includes the text on this page.

  1. Type "VITA" on the top line.  Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it properly; see Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
  2. On the next line, begin your vita.
  3. The paper is published after your degree is conferred, so list the degree associated with your thesis/dissertation as if it has already been awarded.
  4. Verify your degree and program/concentration. They should match the information listed in Degree Works. You cannot include a concentration on the Title page, but you can include it here.
  5. The vita should be in the third person pronoun.
  6. Include your graduation date (use only December, May, or August for degree conferral months).

example of vita page

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