Financial Aid
How to Check Financial Aid Application Status
To check your financial aid application status online, you may use our Eagle Online system. Before navigating away from this page, you may want to print these instructions to assist you with the login process when you check your financial aid application status online.
Step 1
Log into Tech Express. Click on the "Eagle" quick link to access Eagle Online. If you have been admitted to the university but have not logged into Tech Express before, you will need to set up your Tech Express account. If you need assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk at 931-372-3975.
Step 2
Once you have entered Eagle Online, select the "Financial Aid" tab, then the "Financial Aid Status" link.
Step 3
Select the Award Year in the pull down menu and hit submit.
Step 4
If there is a link that says "You have unsatisfied student requirements for this aid year," click on that link and it will explain what is missing and how to satisfy this requirement. If there is no additional paperwork required, you will be able to see what you are eligible for by selecting the "Award Information by Year" option. Please give the Financial Aid Office approximately one week after your paperwork is submitted for any unsatisfied requirements to be considered satisfied.
Step 5
Remember that you are only offered what you are eligible to receive. You must accept any awards offered to you that you wish to receive. If you accept a loan, you must complete additional requirements to actually receive credit to your student account from financial aid.
If you have any questions about checking your financial aid application status, please contact the Financial Aid office at 1-931-372-3073 or by e-mail at