Parking & Transportation - Parking FAQ

Parking & Transportation

Parking and Enforcement FAQ

When is parking enforced?

Parking enforcement is in effect when classes are in session, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Visitor, Accessible, and Reserved spaces are enforced at all times. Additionally, the Green and Teal Lots are enforced 24/7 during the fall and spring semesters.

Who needs a parking permit? How do I get one?

All vehicles parked on campus require a parking permit. For details on how to obtain your permit, visit the the appropriate webpage for students, employees, or visitors.  If you are a contracted employee (HES, Chartwells, etc.) please contact the Parking & Transportation Office for permit information.

I have received a parking ticket. Can I appeal it? Where do I pay it?

You can pay university citations at Derryberry Hall at the cashier’s window on the first floor, or via your Eagle Online account.  To appeal a ticket, visit the citation appeals page for guidelines.  Remember, you only have 15 business days from the citation appeal date to file an appeal. 

If I am unhappy with the appeal committee's decision about my citations or I have questions, who do I contact?

Upon appeal decision, you'll receive an email with the results letter.  You have 5 days from this date to contest any appeals.  For contesting an appeal, email  Student appeals are reviewed by the Vice President of Student Affairs while Non-Student Citations appeals are reviewed by the Vice President of Planning & Finance.  Visit our citation appeals page for more information. 

What if my parking permit is lost or stolen?

Notify the Parking & Transportation Office immediately if your permit is lost or stolen.  We'll deactivate this in the system and will issue you a new permit free of charge.

Where do I go to get a visitor's parking permit?

Visitors can obtain a Virtual Visitor Parking Permit by scanning the QR codes on Visitor Parking Space Signs.  Alternatively, visitors can visit the Parking & Transportation Office located in Roaden University Center, 1000 N. Dixie Ave., Rm 122, to obtain a visitor's permit at no cost.  We issue visitor permits from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding campus holidays.

Should you have additional questions, email the Parking & Transportation Office at or call 931-372-6428.

My vehicle was towed.  What do I do?

During business hours (8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.), contact the Parking & Transportation Office at 931-372-6428 if your vehicle was towed.  For inquiries outside of normal business hours, reach out to University Police at 931-372-3234.


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